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The President's Corner - December, 2024

Hello fellow ski clubbers,


Here we roll, into December. Many of us keep watching the weather reports hoping we get a nice new layer of fresh snow, and more, so we can get those ski and snow boards out and go have some fun outdoors.


The November auction was lots of fun, with some special items bringing lots of back and forth bidding for some great bargains.  Thank you to all of the bidders, and item contributors, for making this a fun enjoyable evening.


With the Big Sky, Montana trip being full, other trips have been picking up. Trip signups have been steady. There are just a couple of spots left on the weekend Up North Weekend that Julie Lenczycki is hosting. Nubs nob still has a couple of rooms left to fill.  This is an awesome midweek with lots of skiing and no lift lines. Let Gerry Tillmann know if you want to get some fun in your life at Nubs Nob.  The annual Winter Park Spring Break Trip is now coming together, thanks to Dan Kiplinger’s hard work, with Michele Mollard helping in the background. There is limited condo space available so do not delay on getting signed up if you want to get some big mountain, out west skiing at a very reasonable price.  Transportation to Winter Park is up to the individual.


Hope all of you can attend this December’s General Membership/Holiday meeting on December 10th. We will be having, as entertainment, a comedian by the name of Bailey Hostetler. Thanks to Internal VP, Kathy Rubino, for making arrangements for this fun filled festive evening.  Come on out and add some merriment to your life.  People who laugh live longer, proven studies.


In closing, I’d like to wish all of you a blessed and enjoyable Holiday season as we get ready to enjoy one of the best times of the year.


Merry Christmas Everyone, SKI YA,


Gerry Tillmann – BCSC President


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